Risk of Ruin Calculator
Risk of Ruin Calculator The cTrader Risk of Ruin (ROR) Calculator is an advanced tool to evaluate your probability of loss when trading manually or by using an automated trading system, it will calculate the probability to hit a specific drawdown or ruin.To get more news about risk of ruin calculator , you can visit wikifx.com official website. Risk of Ruin vs Drawdown Risk? When you calculate the risk-of-ruin (ROR) you define the probability of your loss from your original account balance, so for example, if you started trading with £1000, if your risk of ruin was 20% then you have a chance of losing 20$ of your balance or £200, but as your equity gets larger due to winning trades your ROR decreases. When you calculate your risk-of-drawdown (ROD) the drawdown will be the same through the lifetime of your account because the ROD will only get bigger if the losses in your account are lower than the previous highest drop. So, the difference between the account equity and bala...